Sygris Health and Safety

Optimise risk prevention in your company

Digitise the management, reporting, investigation and prevention of incidents in your company.

Incident registration

Record any incident in your database, at any time, and alert your company’s managers automatically.


Automatically update the indicators based on your incidents, to obtain your company’s accident rates (frequency, severity, duration, etc.) and be able to manage them.

Generation of occupational risk reports

Generate reports that facilitate the identification of occupational risks in order to implement preventive measures.

Regulatory compliance

Ensure regulatory compliance thanks to updates on changes in safety, health and sustainability legislation.

Committed to the highest standards

IFRS, SASB, GRI and CDP Indicators

100% Secure application
100% Secure application

Help your company achieve its health and safety objectives.


Optimising safety at work

Optimise your company’s level of safety and minimise exposure to risk and potential incidents in the workplace.


Comprehensive Regulatory Compliance

Ensure compliance with OSHA, RIDDOR, WCB and other regulatory requirements, as well as ISO 45001, and protect your company’s corporate reputation.



Manage your company’s risk and safety from a tablet or phone with the flexibility of Sygris Health and Safety, accessible anytime, anywhere.



Help monitor preventive actions and their level of compliance through highly visual dashboards and a system of notifications and alerts.



Integrate Sygris Health and Safety at any time you want with the rest of the Sygris solutions and consolidate your employees’ information in all areas of the company.


15 Years of Development Experience

Tool designed, configured and developed based on 15 years of collaborative experience with the main players in the market. You can always count on our support service for any questions you may have.

Customers who trust us

We explain how to digitise and improve incident management in your company

Other solutions



Centralise all your employee information; empower your organisation’s talent by managing training and career development; ensure pay equity and equal opportunities in your company.



Manage, analyse and track your company’s volunteering activities.



Digitize the management of all your company’s non-financial information and comply with current regulations (Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), GRI Indicators, European Taxonomy and CSRD).