Sygris HR

Centralises and enhances employee management

Centralise all your employee information; empower your organisation’s talent by managing training and career development; ensure pay equity and equal opportunities in your company.

Automated consolidation of employee information

Consolidate all your employee information on a single platform, automating the collection of information from different sources and keeping the data up to date at all times.

Integrated pay gap management

Thanks to the stored data, it calculates the gross and adjusted pay gap by applying different calculation models according to attributes such as seniority, professional category, functions, country, allowances, etc.

Training and absenteeism management

Record your employees’ working hours, absences and their causes. Manage your employees’ internal training hours.

Committed to the highest standards

IFRS, SASB, GRI and CDP Indicators

100% Secure application
100% Secure application

Optimise the management of your employees with Sygris ESG HR


Customisation of pay gap reports

Design the pay gap reports that best fit your specific needs to comply with the different standards and regulations in force: calculation of absolute and adjusted gap (including incentives, with flexible remuneration, by professional category, etc.).


Integration and consolidation of HR information

Integrate the Sygris HR solution, whenever you want, with the rest of the platform’s solutions and consolidate your employees’ information in all areas of the company.


Data protection and permissions management

Protect the confidentiality of information by managing permissions thanks to exhaustive user profiling.


File control and multilingual configuration

Control the status of file uploads, send dates, manage alarms and reminders.

Configure the tool in multiple languages and consolidate the information of all your employees from different international locations on a single platform.


Scalable solution for corporate sustainability

It is a scalable solution that allows you to integrate the rest of the Sygris solutions according to your needs, until you have total control of all the sustainability areas of your company on a single platform.



Tool designed, configured and developed based on the experience of 15 years of collaboration with the main players in the market. You can always count on our support service for any questions you may have.

Customers who trust us

Manage your employees' information easily and quickly

Other solutions



Manage, analyse and track your company’s volunteering activities.


Health and Safety

Digitize the management, notification, investigation and prevention of incidents in your company.



Digitize the management of all your company’s non-financial information and comply with current regulations (Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), GRI Indicators, European Taxonomy and CSRD).