Sygris Volunteering

Digitise the lifecycle of your volunteer programme

Manage, analyse and track your company’s volunteering activities.

Comprehensive management and registration of volunteer activities

Manage volunteering activities: record volunteer registration and collect all information related to the results of the activities (confirmation of attendance, fundraising, beneficiaries, etc.).

Interactive dashboards for volunteering KPIs

Generate interactive dashboards with the calculation of KPIs, which can be consulted at different levels of aggregation and with the information updated in real time.

Integration of volunteering with your sustainability strategy and the SDGs

Align volunteering actions with your sustainability strategy and visualise the impact of activities on the SDGs.

Committed to the highest standards

IFRS, SASB, GRI and CDP Indicators

100% Secure application
100% Secure application

Digitise the lifecycle of your volunteer programme with Sygris


Event management

Sygris Corporate Volunteering allows you to create and manage volunteering projects, including notifications and reminders via email (registration confirmation, activity reminders, etc.).


Logging of hours

Record the hours spent volunteering by each employee, and generate corporate reports.


Data export in multiple formats

Download the data and graphs generated in the tool in Excel, CSV or png formats.


Communication campaigns

Communicate your volunteering activity to your stakeholders with the level of detail you choose. Integrate the publication of the different activities and volunteer registration on your website.


Access to real-time information

Access to updated information at all times.



Tool designed, configured and developed based on 15 years of experience as technological partners of the main IBEX 35 companies. You can always count on our support service for any queries you may have.

Customers who trust us

Manage, analyse and track your company's volunteering activities

Other solutions



Centralise all your employee information; empower your organisation’s talent by managing training and career development; ensure pay equity and equal opportunities in your company.


Health and Safety

Digitize the management, notification, investigation and prevention of incidents in your company.



Digitize the management of all your company’s non-financial information and comply with current regulations (Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), GRI Indicators, European Taxonomy and CSRD).